Thursday, February 10, 2011

More food porn...

Start with baby spinach if your feeling the love

Then add a layer of tomatoes and thin sliced white onions

Next layer is avacado with rasins.. and clove or two of chopped garlic somewhere in the mix

Shrimp get added along with more garlic which burys the raisins and most of the onions.

 Try to avoid thinking about migration symbols and the four cardinal compass points... the four winds or the four seasons.....the four ages of man...
 Its just lunch, maybe forget about animals from the sea, things grown in the soil, leaf ,bulb, tree and vine, plus members of the animal kingdom and the chain of life lunch represents...

The shrimp get buried in cheese and bacon

Bury the cheese and bacon with boiled eggs and scalloins... then some dried plums buried under orange sections...

And you have a salad....

I need a new cutting board and maybe a buttlers tray..

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